Since SBot 1, I have been working on a web site to control my robot. This way any platform can control it as long as it has a browser. Eventually I may create specific apps for Android/iPhone just for the experience of mobile app development as I have not had the opportunity.
I recently added forms based authencation. Before it would prompt for login. The back end uses Active Directory.
This is the control site for SBot 1. You can see a tab for JBot1. That is an implementation I setup to use java to refresh the images so they are smoother but doesn’t work for mobile.
I started with the simple ASP.Net example in Visual Studio 2010 and went from there.
The video is shown using an application called Active WebCam from PY Software which is running on my computer. I have two A/V receivers connected to my computer via two USB capture devices. The images are then saved to my web server. I will post some pictures of the receivers soon.
Let me know want you think. Any ideas or improvements would be greatly appreciated!